Conserving the Best of The Rockies

Lest you think it’s all arts and crafts these days, I dedicated a good part of my Spring and Fall of 2017 teaching Environmental Education to Kindergartners-Fourth Graders.

Not so many years ago when I worked for the Southwest Land Alliance, I met and worked with Mrs. Hershey, the landowner and amazing conservationist who granted an easement on her property and fostered this Audubon program. In a small town, the connections were deeper than that; and over time and space, became more distant than ever.

In too short a time, I’d forgotten about the educational program that was being developed at the same time I helped conserve other properties, nearby.  I had a zen moment [they call it a flashback] of the ED of the Land Trust hiking along with me on those very trails, and saying that someday, maybe I’d be back to share my knowledge of the San Juans with its Youth.

Over a decade later, I did volunteer and become an Environmental Educator; and it reconnected me with my Community in a way that I think I’ve needed for a long time. Unfortunately, I returned too late to rekindle a relationship with Mrs. Hershey who has passed on; but her memory and vision are alive and well on the Ranch.

I’d like to remind everyone that there are MANY worthy causes in YOUR community in need of your talents.

Audubon Rockies – Environmental Ed Program

Four Mile Ranch Conservation

Southwest Land Alliance