Super Puppy!

“I’m even fast, asleep.”

I think we let Juniper watch Wonder Woman at too impressionable an age. Ever since then, she thinks she can fly. You’ll have to watch the video to see what I mean.

Last weekend another road opened up, and we went in search of a trail to hike before the weather moved through. The trail was still under water, so we opted for walking the road, which in places was also under water. No matter. We giggled over the pup walking on water and logged another 3 mile hike.

All that running makes a pup hungry! And this girl LOVES her vegetables. Out of all the dogs we’ve had, I had one that I remember would be interested in a carrot or bit of lettuce. Juni will scarf down all kinds of fruits and veg: blueberries, apples, asparagus and sweet potatoes are just a few of her favorites.

And even superheroes need some downtime to rest and repower.

Super Cute!