Subalpine Design
Elevate Your Graphic Design

Subalpine Design

Looking Back, 2019 in Review

Looking Back, 2019 in Review
It’s easy to get right back into the daily routine and not take the time to look back and reflect on the work that was done in the last year. Before the first month of 2020 flies by, let’s take a little peek at Subalpine Design’s projects from last year and where we spent our time.
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Celebrating 15 Years of Subalpine Design

Celebrating 15 Years of Subalpine Design
Happy Birthday to us… it’s hard to believe that Subalpine Design is 15 years old this year!
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I can never keep up but don’t stand still. About the time I was ready to launch my last custom theme, Google started penalizing for mobile compatibility, and I wasn’t designing for mobile. That’s probably why I tend more towards creating child themes of core WordPress themes these days. When I saw the new twentyseventeen, I thought, “Finally! A theme I can work with.”
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The Art of Art

The Art of Art
During my career, I’ve been the most successful in the area of digital graphic design, but lately, I’ve started to re-embrace more real world / physical art like my bottle cap art, drawing and crafting.
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Finally! A New Theme

Finally! A New Theme
March 2013: We’re ready to get on the road again. Does Spring make you want to ramble?
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Oops, Did it Again

Oops, Did it Again
So I have this bad habit of neglecting my website. If you read through my posts, you’ll see the trend. I get a bit done during the winter, but once spring arrives any extra time in front of the computer goes out the window—replaced mostly by gardening and travel.
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It’s fall, and even though it has seemed a bit slow to peak this year, in the right places, you can catch some spectacular color. So it’s also time for the most colorful background of the seasons.
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Planted in Aspen Village

Planted in Aspen Village
I’m happy to report it has been a very busy Spring, and I’m trying to catch up the site with all our new projects and news. The first week of April, Subalpine Design was excited to move into the Technology Suites at Aspen Village.
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Wee Bit O’Green Updated

Wee Bit O’Green Updated
In honor of St. Patrick’s Day and Spring—the Spring Equinox this year is Sunday. It was high time for me to change my wintry, gray and white website to something more green, bright and spring-like. The background photo I chose was actually taken in June of 2004 at Buckles Lake which is 20 miles south of Pagosa Springs. We took the VW bus (a 1965 13-window deluxe) and the dogs camping and ended up next to this gorgeous field of flowers and iris blooming amongst the aspens. 1965 13-window deluxe bus amongst the aspens
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The Partner

The Partner
Find The Partner on LinkedIn. As I mentioned in the post about myself, The Designer, a large reason I’m a Graphic Designer and live in this beautiful corner of Colarado are due to the relationship with my husband who also is my business partner. We’ve worked well together for years. In fact, we met through our leadership roles within our respective Explorer Posts. Later we worked together at both and Parelli Natural Horsemanship. It only seemed natural to pair our abilities and develop Subalpine Design. While he doesn’t work ‘hands-on’ on most of Subalpine’s projects, he has been a tremendous teacher and resource as I develop my web design skills.
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