Juniper’s First Campout

The new year brought a sad parting with our 15yo husky-malamute, Pakak, the pup, the last of our original pack of seven dogs. The house sat quiet and empty for about a week while we allowed ourselves some time. Having spent the last 18 years with a family of four husky-malamutes, we knew we wanted another husky or malamute, a sled dog, a northern breed. We also wanted another rescue dog, so we started looking around our local humane societies and Colorado based breed specific rescues.

We had every intent of adopting a slightly older dog. We were open to about 2-5 year olds, thinking they may have tougher times finding homes. Through Taysia Blue Husky Rescue, we ended up on the puppy list and within about a week of that, we were notified about and jumped on the opportunity to adopt Juniper.

Her name with her foster family was Olive. She was the only girl in a litter of five named after taco toppings: Pico, Guac, Salsa and Queso. We still had to wait two weeks for her to be old enough to pick up over a weekend haul to Kansas City, at the beginning of February, traversing precarious highways, in snow and freezing fog. 

It was so worth it, and she’s been the perfect match. She sleeps in the car yet is adventurous. She loves all the people we meet. We need more experiences with dogs. She was introduced to other dogs in her foster family. The few she’s met around town, she has mostly ignored. She has slept through the night and been the easiest pup we’ve ever had to house-train. To celebrate a month with Juniper and four months since her birthday, we took advantage of a small spring-like window in the weather to camp on the Chama River.

I’ve written about this camping spot before and painted it. We usually seem to visit over shoulder seasons. When we’re lucky there are boaters to watch. This weekend our only nearby neighbors were geese and cows, although we did hear owls and coyotes.

Friday, March 5th

Saturday, March 6th

Sunday, March 7th

Monday, March 8th

Tuesday, March 9th

Wednesday, March 10th

Thursday, March 11th

Friday, March 12th

Natural Resources

Last year working for Audubon Rockies as a Seasonal Educator, I visited the second grade classrooms in Pagosa and taught students about insects in preparation for their visit to Four Mile Ranch for more in depth study. This year as the team of educators behind the program begins to think about making content virtual for the upcoming school year, I thought it would be a great opportunity to document a few of the critters around my home and some of the web resources I’ve found.

Community Naturalists

Did you know June is National Pollinators Month? Audubon Rockies Spring 2020 Community Naturalist Highlights features an in-depth article by our local Community Naturalist, Keith Bruno, about how to attract mason bees. Learn the difference between native bees and honeybees and watch as Keith shows you how to assemble your very own pollinator house. Read the full article here.

There are other ways you can play a role in your community as a citizen scientist. Here in the San Juans, Mountain Studies Institute has several projects you can participate in from weed mapping to big horn sheep monitoring.

Or visit iNaturalist, a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society, where you can id plants and animals, record your observations, and share them with a global network of scientists and naturalists!

Insects Are Everywhere!

They really are—especially this time of year! I captured this little video of a giant bumblebee visiting one of the hanging baskets on my front porch. Then I wondered if I could identify what kind of bee it was? There’s a website for that…

In this 5 Facts About Bumble Bees article from the National Wildlife Federation, I discovered where you can upload a photo, id the species and have that verified by an expert. I haven’t done that yet, but I think I may have a Bombus fervidus.

Here’s a gallery of some of the insects I’ve recorded in my yard over the years. The robber fly with yellow jacket is the only one that’s not from my home, but landed on me during a camping trip on the Middle Fork of the Piedra. Click on the photos below to view them larger.

Here’s an idea… Start a scavenger hunt! Try to find and document 3-5 insects in your yard or local park or open space. Don’t have a camera to record a photo? Take notes! Draw pictures! Then see if you can id or learn anything new about the insects you recorded using the internet or your local library to fuel your research. Try it again in another month or two. Did you see the same insects? Why or why not? Keep a journal and record the interesting critters you see around you. Get your friends involved, share and compare the insects you’ve recorded. It’s like Pokémon in real life. See how many insects you can observe and collect in your journal!

Who Can Be Found In My Habitat?

I was excited to stumble across the National Wildlife Federation’s website and learn that Ranger Rick is alive and well. It was like finding a long lost friend. Do you remember this raccoon character? I can remember reading Ranger Rick magazine as far back as second grade. It is probably one of the things that inspired my love for nature and wildlife. While it is a subscription based program, NWF’s site has free activities and resources and even more if your school is part of their Eco-Schools program. 

While I was looking for insect photos on my computer, I decided I could post photos of some of the other animals that I’ve seen at my house. Most of the photos I have are of birds because we have a wide variety and many frequent our feeders and birdbath. If you’re a birder, you can record your sightings on ebird.

Some of the special new sightings we’ve seen this summer include an oriole and goldfinch, not to be confused with the grosbeaks or pine siskins. We have a lot of other birds, too that I haven’t taken photos of but can id such as towhees, jays, wrens and juncos. In my habitat, we have the neighborhood herd of mule deer who like to bed down on the hillside, red fox, rabbits, lizards and last year we spotted a gopher snake!

Our Impact

You can’t study the natural world for very long before you realize the role we as humans play in the web of life. For instance, I just read this article in Scientific American about micro-plastics. Our decisions have a much greater impact than many of us understand. It can be a heavy subject; but with continued education and research, we can begin to make personal choices that better impact our environment.

Food waste from someone’s 4th of July celebration. We found watermelon, hot dogs, pork bones, baked beans and untouched ears of corn in and around a creek bed.

Last summer I celebrated my 40th birthday by taking two weeks off to camp around southern Colorado. The joy of exploring the outdoors was overshadowed by people who left food waste in the campsites we visited. In one case, we gathered it all up and burned it in a campfire. In the other, we chose to bury it. If we’d had better resources, we would have packed it out. Not only does this show a blatant disregard for the value of food and thinking about the people that may come after you, but it is extremely dangerous for the local wildlife. If bears become habituated to finding human food, it’s only a matter of time before that bear will end up euthanized. Be Bear Aware.

Unfortunately, most people just don’t know any better. If you’d like to learn about the best ways to protect the outdoors and how to educate others, I’d like to introduce you to Leave No Trace principles. The LNT Center’s website also has an extensive library of activities and programs for young people to learn how to be responsible outdoor enthusiasts.

I hope you’ve found some of these online resources helpful. Next time, I’ll plan to focus more on plants and maybe provide my signature stories and specimens that I share with the students at Four Mile Ranch. Until then, happy trails…

Best Laid Plans

In my last camping post, I signed off with the intention of being Alaska bound this summer. That dream did not become reality this year. It is interesting to observe the twists and turns, the changes that life has laid before us as an alternative.

We knew it would be a monumental undertaking to be able to leave our normal routines and lives for a couple of months, and our desire to make that journey still burns. What really slowed us down was the repair work our Volkswagen needed. Hubby got the new engine going last October for his birthday trip to the Gila. When we got home, he decided to tear into the body work. After four months of winter shop hours, it was Spring and time to get out and enjoy the outdoors; yet the bus was only half finished by then. That’s when we realized we should shift our priorities and find another ‘vehicle’ to enjoy the gorgeous Summer the San Juans had in store.

July 2019 Latir Lakes, Costilla Park
July 2019 Latir Creek, Costilla Park

Hubby started researching options and as soon as he settled on a Casita, the best one showed up on craigslist for the right price and only an hour away in Durango. The original owners had bought it in 2012, and at ninety-one he was ready to let it go. We’ve gotten 5 trips in so far this year, with the longest being two weeks for my birthday. There are at least four more tentatively planned for this season.

June 2019 Palisade, Middle Fork
July 2019 N. Beach CG on the Taylor River
July 2019 N. Beach CG on the Taylor River
Columbines outside Crested Butte

Recently, we were asked if we were going to give up our VW camping? No way. There are so many places the truck and trailer can’t go, more primitive camping options and it gets much better gas mileage. In our minds, the Casita has already paid for itself. Not only as a camper that we’ve enjoyed this Summer, but also as another small house when our septic was having problems in the main house or it was too hot to sleep in the loft. It’s always good to have options.

We intend to return to Silver City and hopefully visit our friends again in Bisbee this Fall. It will be with the Casita, while the bus waits patiently for the wheel of the year to turn inward again.

November 2018 Joe Skeen CG

Looking Back as We Move Ahead

I’ll admit, I’ve been dragging my heels to make a post after my last one about fire season, lest I jinx us. We held our breath for an awful long time. Since I started writing this, the Camp Fire and other wildfires in California showed us that those fears can be well founded. Neighborhoods are not immune, and I know ours has a big forest, wild-land interface.

Seemed like we couldn’t go to town this Fall without coming home to a fire in the neighborhood (there were at least 3). From what we heard listening to the online radio traffic, seeing their response time, professionalism and talent, those fire crews and our local PFPD are amazing.

When the remnants of hurricane Rosa drifted our way in early October, we finally got a little relief, but the drought map still looked bad. I started to see the sprouts of weeds rejuvenate along the driveway, and the grasses I thought were goners began to emerge, just in time for frost. The Fall seemed somewhat mild and quick for the colors to peak. We stayed extremely busy with chores and projects in the transition between seasons this year.

Celebrating in the Gila

A lot of the work (not done by me) was to get the new engine in the bus, and get a few miles on it before we high-tailed it down to the Gila to celebrate hubby’s 40th. It was the slow-down, camping time we needed and exactly how he wanted to celebrate. We started the trip this time by meeting up with some friends at Snow Lake, where the best gift ever was the final custom fitting for some new bus awning accessories; and ended with working from the road for just one more week at our favorite cabins in Pinos Altos.

I don’t know why I haven’t written about the Gila yet? Maybe because I get bogged down in culling pictures from our trips, and then get distracted from writing the post to support them?

We were first introduced to the northern and easterly most parts of this National Forest during a series of winter-time, VW shenanigans in 2012 & 2013. Since then we’ve been drifting further and further south every year and have fallen in love with Silver City and the surrounding areas.

2013 Snow Lake

2015 Gila Cliff Dwellings

2018 Faywood Hot Springs

Since our first trip on our own in 2015, we’ve come back every year to camp, try new hot springs, and explore the forest and attractions like the WNMU museum’s collection of Mimbres pottery and the Gila Cliff Dwellings. There’s a lot of history, character and creativity here.

The bus and its new engine did great. There were a few hiccups but nothing that stopped us for very long or can’t be tuned/corrected. We barely made it home before snow covered the driveway. Now the bus is back in the garage and all of the camping interior and gear is removed and stowed. Hubby’s got her mostly torn down to the bare bones as he replaces some much needed rusted out body parts in preparation for next summer’s adventures.

2019 Alaska bound…